Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Head in the Clouds?

Since my last post was about Noah's ark, this picture portends a mighty rainstorm. Taken from a bridge that crosses the Deschutes River in Bend, Oregon, I was intrigued by this distant anvil-shaped thunderhead. In not such ancient times people attributed such menacing clouds to the existence and caprice of deities. We've come a long way since then, knowing that the firmament is not firm and that "heaven above" is spiritual not physical. As science continues to clarify our place in the surroundings, the more challenging it becomes to make the old stories fit in the empirical world. In the past, the gods' place was clearly visible. Today, to see what people did before, requires mental acrobatics and a greater reliance on faith. What do you see in the clouds?


Small City Scenes said...

Welll.....I see a monkey's face on the left side looking down over the town. I guess sometimes I like the simpler beliefs---seemed easier I suppose. But then again maybe that's why I am getting out of Dodge for a few days. R&R!!

tapirgal said...

It's funny, I don't usually see things in clouds any more unless they jump out and bite me. I usually see the forms and shadings and think more about the interesting visuals for their own sakes. Maybe I should take up painting again :) The other day I saw lumbering large dark gray clouds along the horizon and immediately thought of elephants. But in your photo, there's definitely a fish swimming out to the right. See the hooked jaw?

tapirgal said...

I just realized - the fish face in the clouds is a halibut. Didn't know they lived there, but hey. It looks like a nice place to hang out.

cieldequimper said...

I see a polar bear. Honest, I do, I'm not saying it just because the temperature in my apartment hit 92° tonight! Lovely shot.

Lowell said...

Nothing. Your point is right on. But whatever you see is a product of your imagination. And that's OK...

I love the photo, Lee...had to blow it up to the full effect, though...terrific place - I think I'd not mind living in one of those condos or townhomes in the background...