I have shown many pictures of South Sister near Bend, Oregon, in my posts but I could not resist sharing this snowy picture. Standing at just over 11,000 feet, South Sister is the third highest peak in Oregon. This early season dumping may
portend a good snow year. Snow pack is valuable for so many of our natural resources, but in recent years, warmer temperatures have caused a smaller
snow pack and the melting of glaciers. There are those who wish to discredit the idea of global warming, but here on the Cascade volcanoes, especially on Mt Hood near Portland, Oregon, a marked decline in snow is easily visible by comparing recent photos with the past. There is hardly a scientist who disputes the deleterious effects of carbon on the ozone layer. Still let's hope there is the chance to preserve our beautiful environment and to enjoy vistas like this one for many years to come.
I applaud your comments and these beautifully-shaped mountains. They look gorgeous covered with snow. I do wonder if they need the words "Snow Park" on the sign this time of year.
Beautiful capture, Lee, and I too hope there is the effort to preserve our environment.
Have a great evening.
looks so fresh and clean...
This is definitely one of your more spectacular pictures! I don't know what else to say at the moment, except that it's absolutely beautiful.
Picture-postcard perfect.
I agree, Bend has had some beautiful photo opportunities this time of year. The snowy mt. are pretty irresistible, and I've thought of taking several myself.
Fantastic and lovely shot !!I Would love to see them on my own someday !!Unseen Rajasthan
Nice shot. A very beautiful South Sister. MB
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