When I arose at dawn today in Bend, Oregon, I spied a design made from jets crossing above. The sky looked like a giant chalkboard. As a child I remember often seeing sky writers. Is it done anymore? If you could write something what would it be? I thought about it and decided that I 'd be glad to simply scribe in my name, nothing profound, witty nor base. I'll leave those categories for you!
I would do the same, just write my name across the sky and for no reason at all other than to say, I've been here and it's beautiful!
X marks the spot.
I think I would say HELLO!!! and let people wonder who was there. MB
We still see some sky writing once in a while...usually the formation a/c using the dot method.
I'd write a message to someone special.
Do you remember the surf spot right by the Swim Club straight down from Malaga School? Haggerty's mansion (or Neighborhood church) is right there at the edge of the cliffs, above and South of the Swim Club.
I like the "sky writing" in your photo. What would I say? I think I've seen it in the last few years, but not often. It usually advertises an event or a business, but I think the last one I saw was obtuse and a bit of a mystery. I wish I could remember what it was. Maybe I'd write, "Save the Tapirs."
Catching up on your blog! South sister looks pretty daunting.
You've been writing a lot lately. Interesting!
Sky writing is still practiced here. By the time they finish with the last letter, the first one is indecipherable. I guess it pays to be terse.
I don't mean to sound obtuse, but what are sky writers?
I think what I'd write in the sky would depend on where I was doing the skywriting. Here in San Bernardino where I live, I'd probably just write my name in the sky the same as you would. But besides location, it would also depend on whether someone else got there first with a bit of skywriting of their own. If so, I might write something in response to it.
Methinks you may have a couple of pilots playing tic-tac-toe!
I'm going to be looking for "Lee Spangler" spelled in large letters above the Ocala sky ... just in case!
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