The street sign says it all. This is my last post on Bend, Oregon, Daily Photo until my return on April 17th, 2010.
Tapirgal of Astoria Daily Photo encouraged me to smile and to invite all of you to follow me on my new blog,
Lee's Amizade Adventure. My flight from Portland, Oregon, on Sunday morning, January 3rd has a long layover in Miami, during which I intend to post my first impressions of the trip before departing for Brazil. Until then, have a blissful, photo-filled Happy New Year and thanks as always for your kind words and support.
First of all, wishing you much joy, and excitement and discovery, peace and prosperity in the coming year! Happy, Happy New Year, Lee! I'm looking forward to following your new post and all your new adventures.
Happy, Happy New Year!!
What Sylvia K said...plus a whole lot more! That is such a great picture of you, one of the best I've seen lately. So why does it make me feel like crying? After all, it's not like you're going anywhere, in the virtual sense. I've got your new blog bookmarked too, and I'm going to following your new adventures every chance I get. Yet this feels like an ending of sorts, and damned if I know why.
"Happy trails, until we meet again." Always wanted an excuse to use that phrase. lol Safe journey!
Godspeed, Lee!
What a great smile, Lee! My very best wishes to you on your most excellent adventure! I shall be following you on your new blog!
Thanks for your kind comments and may you new year be filled with joy and health and good friends!
Vaya con Dios, Lee. MB
Wishing you the same Lee !! Hope you may have a fantastic time ahead !!
See you back in April?
Thanks for your visit on my blog. Always glad to hear from you. Hope your having a great time in Bolivia.
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